Scott Barley
︎ 16 ︎2.13:1 ︎2K
︎ iPhone 6+
︎ 5.1
︎ Final Cut Pro
The Mouth screams. Like a shadow, it looms on the event horizon. It swells, hunting the night like a snake in the dark. The laceration tears through the stars, devouring its meal.
Within the nothing swims something of a memory of movement. Far beyond, something out of the black reveals itself. In the infinite womb, limbs drift suspended, like flies in a giant spider web. An infinite sea of pale flesh. Bodies without organs.
Death's renewal awaits, as the bodies pass through the void.
︎ Sleep Has Her House Blu-ray
︎ Vimeo
Producer / Writer / Director / Camera / Image / Sound / Editor
Scott Barley
︎ 16 ︎2.13:1 ︎2K
︎ iPhone 6+
︎ 5.1
︎ Final Cut Pro
The Mouth screams. Like a shadow, it looms on the event horizon. It swells, hunting the night like a snake in the dark. The laceration tears through the stars, devouring its meal.
Within the nothing swims something of a memory of movement. Far beyond, something out of the black reveals itself. In the infinite womb, limbs drift suspended, like flies in a giant spider web. An infinite sea of pale flesh. Bodies without organs.
Death's renewal awaits, as the bodies pass through the void.
Where to Watch ︎
︎ Sleep Has Her House Blu-ray
︎ Vimeo

Contact ︎
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private tutoring and consultation services worldwide.
© Scott Barley 2024. Sole copyright holder of all work featured herein (2010—present). All rights reserved.
Available for commissions, lectures, masterclasses,
private tutoring and consultation services worldwide.
© Scott Barley 2024. Sole copyright holder of all work featured herein (2010—present). All rights reserved.
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