Scott Barley, Artist-Filmmaker — Official Site. Sleep Has Her House Limited Edition Blu-ray, Region Free — Now available

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Producer / Writer / Director / Camera / Image / Sound / Editor

Scott Barley

︎ 7  ︎1.1:1 & 18.25:1 ︎4K
︎ Intervalometered photography with multiple exposures
︎ 5.1 (mainly silent)
︎ Final Cut Pro


Upon liminal spheres where dreams are woven,
Adrift between stars and the trees,
I pass closer to the golden dawn.

There’s a warmth beyond the shadow.
I feel the aurum under my eyelids,
And I hope the birds will sing.

Oh, I hope I will hear the birds sing...

Perhaps a knowledge that never comes.

for David Robert Jones
8th January 1947 — January 10th 2016

Where to Watch  ︎ 

︎    Vimeo


Contact ︎

Available for commissions, lectures, masterclasses,
private tutoring and consultation services worldwide.

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© Scott Barley 2024. Sole copyright holder of all work featured herein (2010—present). All rights reserved.
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